


  1. 声音足够清晰,语速正常
  2. 英语发音,尤其是报告中核心关键词的英语发音,必须非常地道
  3. 不要一直盯着自己的屏幕,注意观察观众
  4. 不要纯粹在阅读自己的报告,观众可以直接看到


  • 不论现场发生什么,保持自信与镇定,紧张或者小错误是无伤大雅的,不要立刻道歉
  • 结束时不要说口语化的That's all. I hope you enjoyed this. Thanks. 这些过于随意不够合适。需要完整地说出来:Thank you, Are there any question?



  1. Introduction(含title标题页)
  2. Body
  3. Conclusion(含future work页面)


  • 对于时长9分钟的英文报告,幻灯片页数控制在12-25页之间
  • Introduction 和 Conclusion 非常重要,需要仔细打磨
  • Body 部分需要有逻辑结构
  • 页面的所有要素都是有意义的,不要呈现无意义的东西来分散观众注意力
  • 一页的内容不要过多,不要出现段落/超过15个单词的句子,需要提炼关键点
  • 绝对不能使用花里胡哨的动画切换效果,尤其是含有声音的动画
  • 适当加入一些配图,全是文字显得过于单调
  • 可以嵌入较短的视频,但是嵌入的视频必须剔除音频(视频的嵌入播放时很容易出问题,最好不要用)
  • 字体必须可读性高,字号必须足够大,配色不要花里胡哨,确保观众可以看得清
  • 每一页要附上页码,便于观众记录和后续提问
  • 最后一页是Future Research/Open Questions,不要有单独的Thank you致谢页面,显得非常不正式。



  • 2:15 Introduction
  • 5:30 Body
  • 1:15 Conclusion
  • 2:00-3:00 Question and Answer


  • 控制在每一页的时间,大约30秒到1分钟,title等特殊页面可能只需要15秒
  • 需要在后半部分设置一个弹性的时间环节,一般是例子或应用介绍,时间可长可短,用于调节总的时间进度。
  • 回答问题的时间通常不包括在报告限时中。



  • 实质性问题
    1. Have you tried XXX to XXX?
    2. Does this work have significant practical benefits or is it of purely theoretical interest?
    3. Why has this question stayed open for so long? Why is this problem so hard?
    4. Why is XXX better than the other standard ways?
    5. Why is XXX better than previous solution?
    6. Which of these method is most popular?
  • 细节性问题
    1. What do you mean by XXX?
    2. On your third slide, in the first equation, what does the second term represent?
    3. On slide 10, where does the factor of XXX in your equation come from?
    4. Could you explain XXX again?
    5. Would you please repeat your explanation of XXX?
    6. I'm unclear about XXX. Could you explain further?



  1. 希望提问者重复问题,即使你已经听懂了,给自己一些缓冲时间
    • Would you please repeat the question?
  2. 抓住关键词展开,悄悄地改变问题
    • This is related to the question of ... For that we know...
    • If we limit the question to ... the answer is ... For the general case nobody knows.
  3. 一些套话,不要直接说 I don't know
    • This is an interesting question that I hope to investigate later.
    • This is a good open question. The answer is unknown.
    • Good question. Unfortunately, I don't have enough information to comment on it at this time.
    • The question is an excellent one, but it's beyond the scope of our research.
    • That question is too complex to answer here, but I'd be glad to discuss it with you after the session.
    • Let's discuss this issue after the session.


  • 对于答辩性质的汇报,需要有专门的致谢内容,例如
    • 谢谢 / Thanks
    • 感谢您的观看
    • 感谢倾听(感谢聆听不礼貌)
    • 恳请各位老师批评指正
  • 汇报必须考虑到观众的知识背景,对于不同类型的观众有不同的讲法。